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Our Advantages

World-class services with affordable prices

Fast Implementation

Following your industry best practices allows for a swift and fast system implementation.

Competitive pricing

Pay as you grow based on your employees headcount with no bulk license payment needed.

Free Support

Post go-live technical support, cloud maintenance, and labor law updates with no extra fees.

Enhanced Security

Enhanced security on Amazon cloud servers, the most secure cloud computing environment.


General Overview

The Orgarise system is a result of an extensive experience in developing HR solutions, following best practices and using the latest technologies while focusing on the business and end user needs all to provide you with a smart system that is easy to use, proven to accelerate the project’s time-to-value, and guaranteed to deliver tangible business ROI.

Product Benefits

  • Empower employees with mobile based self service.
  • Preconfigured with local labor laws and HR regulation.
  • Control employee geo attendance.
  • Achieve Paperless workflow.
  • Top management analytics.
  • User can choose his preferred language EN/AR.
  • Reports are made easy.
  • Full range of HR functionality.
  • Flexible investment models.
  • Covers all HR functionality.

Complete Hire to Retire Solution

Covering all HR and payroll processes in a modern strategic way

“>”>Human Capital Modeler

Build customized organizational structure, departments, positions, and job information.

Personnel Management”>

Manage all your employees data, track employees records, and set an automated internal policy for payroll. 

Payroll and General Ledger”>

Automate payroll calculations fully integrated with labor law, personnel,  attendance, and finance softwares.

Time and Labor Management”>

View and edit time and labor policies, and track employees records with automatic reflection on payroll.

Employee Self Service”>

Automatically manage all employees requests (Vacation, overtime, etc..) based on a pre-defined workflow.

Alerts and Reminders”>

Configure customized email alerts and reminders for an easier tracking of any critical data or processes.

HR Analytics Platform”>

An embedded HR analytics platform that helps the top management gain a strategic view on the workforce.

Forms Designer”>

Create any desired forms and easily generate it for different employees with no redundant efforts.

Advanced System Training”>

Extended training programs that sets you up for implementing advanced system configurations and reporting.

Employee Development System”>

Plan, evaluate, and track your employees progress; create a score sheet, and generate statistical reports.

Orgarise Recruitment”>

Automating the talent acquisition work flow, creating a pool of calibers, saving their data on a cloud database, planning interviews, entering evaluations, and selecting the right talents based on pre-set metrics.

Do you want to learn more about

Orgarise HR Features Details

Orgarise HR covers the full processes of the human resources management functions, with pre-configured workflows, automated payroll calculation and much more, download the full detailed PDF that gives you a full view of what Orgarise HR can offer.

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Orgarise Pricing

Post go-live technical support with no extra fees
  • Choose the right module

    The Orgarise system is designed to be completely modular where you can select and implement modules that are beneficial to your specific business needs.

  • Pay based on your needs

    The system costs is paid quarterly and is calculated based on the modules included in your plan as well as the number of employees in your organization.

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Orgarise Pricing

Post go-live technical support with no extra fees
  • Choose the right module

    The Orgarise system is designed to be completely modular where you can select and implement modules that are beneficial to your specific business needs.

  • Pay based on your needs

    The system costs is paid quarterly and is calculated based on the modules included in your plan as well as the number of employees in your organization.

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Orgarise Recruitment

The latest addition to the Orgarise system

Orgarise recruitment is a fully integrated recruitment management and talent acquisition platform that helps professionals apply best practices and automate every task needed to hire the best talents. 

Enabling the capitalization on published jobs, building a strong applicant database that allow you to harvest the benefits of a large talents pool, and creating an optimized process for recurrent applicantions in addition to providing system recommendations for top applicants.  

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